MSP Plantations is a family owned, professionally managed company.
5 generations of coffee knowledge, goes into systematically improving cultural practices, introducing modern agricultural techniques, upgrading infrastructure and optimising production on a continuous basis.
This endeavour is to bring our high-quality produce directly to you THE CONNOISSEUR.
The single estate coffee beans are planted, picked, processed, roasted, packed and despatched from the estate directly to you in order to ensure freshness, consistency, traceability and quality.

Mother plants are carefully selected and the seeds are procured for the next planting year. The coffee plants have a gestation period of 3 years. In the meantime they are carefully nurtured in the field.

Fully ripe red coffee cherries are selectively picked by hand over several rounds, depending on the ripening.

These cherries are sorted and pulped on the same day.

The beans are then left to ferment overnight, where bacterial activity loosens the mucilage and the beans gain flavour. It is then washed mechanically the next day to remove the mucilage.

The beans are then sun dried on concrete terraces to reduce moisture levels to below 12 percent and stored.

The remaining two layers of skin covering the beans are removed mechanically by a peeler-polisher and are then sorted to remove defective, damaged and broken beans.

Beans are roasted only after the order has been placed to ensure each of our consumers gets to enjoy the optimum freshness of aroma and flavour.

The beans are left to cool in storage containers and are then packaged after 24 hours. Roasting and packaging is done on receipt of orders only to ensure freshness and quality.

The coffee is shipped directly from the grower to you the connoisseur.